"Discover Your Future" – WorldSkills Germany and 3M launch a nationwide education initiative

3M and WorldSkills Germany are launching a new project with the aim of inspiring young people with limited access to educational opportunities, giving them orientation and training them in future-oriented professions.

3M hands over donation cheque to WorldSkills Germany during of the WorldSkills Competition in Lyon.

Stuttgart, 12 September 2024 – Trying things out, discovering their own strengths and developing future-relevant skills: this is what WorldSkills Germany, and 3M are offering young people in an innovative hands-on and workshop concept with the "Discover Your Future" project. The funding initiative for vocational competitions and the global multi-technology group will stop at five stations in Germany from November 2024 to June 2025 to offer more than 1,000 young people career orientation and practical experience in future-oriented professions. The first event will take place in Stuttgart in November 2024. Events will follow in Mannheim, Berlin, Düsseldorf and the Frisian region in 2025.

The workshop concept is primarily aimed at young people without direct access to education and orientation opportunities, as well as young people with a migration background or with special needs. In addition, the initiative is intended to appeal primarily to schoolgirls and young women with a focus on the STEM field. At each "Discover Your Future" event, participants can choose from short "beginner's workshops" that provide a basic introduction to the topics of technology and green professions, to full-day intensive workshops and projects lasting several days. Participants will then have the opportunity to work in teams on real-world challenges such as renewable energies and sustainable technologies. Each workshop offers the opportunity to develop practical solutions and acquire valuable professional and social skills.

"With the 'Discover Your Future' series, we want to inspire young people all over Germany and give them the opportunity to develop their skills in a creative and collaborative environment," explains Hubert Romer, Official Delegate and Managing Director of WorldSkills Germany. "Thanks to the generous support of 3M, we can give young people real prospects for a qualified future."

As a world-renowned innovation company, 3M is committed to developing solutions that have a positive impact on the planet. Climate tech and green professions are key areas of focus for 3M as the company leverages its research expertise to make progress in areas such as sustainability, energy efficiency, and decarbonization. Supporting STEM education and skills in Germany is one way 3M is actively using its resources and expertise to promote climate technology, support the energy transition, and strengthen the economy.

"Many of the problems we face today, such as climate change, require innovative solutions developed by the main actors working in STEM fields. 3M is already committed to develop young people's interest in STEM professions. With the new, additional focus on 'Climate Tech', we want to give young people the opportunity to get professionally involved in the sustainable transformation. I’m glad we have found a strong partner with WorldSkills Germany," says Jürgen Germann, Head of Government Affairs and Sustainability at 3M Germany.

To carry out the "Discover Your Future" project, WorldSkills Germany received a grant of 250,000 US dollars, which was awarded through GlobalGiving in partnership with 3M. On the sidelines of the WorldSkills Competition – WorldSkills Lyon 2024 – on September 11, 2024, 3M handed over a corresponding check to Michael Hafner, Chairman of the Board of WorldSkills Germany, and Hubert Romer, Official Delegate and Managing Director of WorldSkills Germany.

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